⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5/5 Do I dare call this book thriller of the year? Yes, within this book you will encounter two wrenching stories, 25 years a part of rape and murder in a small beach-like North Carolina town. Trigger warning: The book goes into detail about the atrocities one of the characters (Jenny) went through prior to her killing. A little about The Night Swim: In an age of True-Crime Podcasts (Which like many of you, I enjoy), we meet Rachel Krall a Podcaster who became an overnight sensation with her Podcast: Guilty or Not Guilty. In her newest episode, she drives to the town of Napoli to cover a rape trial that involves two prominent families in the small town. K (the victim), is the granddaughter of the past and loved sheriff. And Scott Blair (the accused), a golden boy, destined to be the next Michael Phelps. As Rachel begins her work, she begins to get letters from a mysterious source begging her to look into the “Murder” of Jenny Stills, a 25 year old case. The ...